All Things Digital Nomad with Andrae of Work Wanderer


For today’s post, I want to introduce Andrae of Work Wanderers. Work Wanderers offers coliving/coworking retreats in exotic destinations around the world, specifically built for people who have left the traditional office environment and are able to work remotely. The retreats bring together digital nomads, online entrepreneurs & freelancers - providing them with a sense of community while exploring the world!

I was actually supposed to travel with them in May to Tbilisi, Georgia but sadly it was cancelled due to covid. But I’m already eager for 2021 to roll around - they have an awesome lineup of retreats in cities all over the world that you can check out HERE. In the meantime, I wanted to chat with Andrae a little bit about the mission behind starting the company and all things digital nomad.

Thanks so much for talking with us today, Andrae! To get started, can you tell me a little bit about your background and how you caught the wanderbug?


Thanks for having me! Sure, so my background is in strategic marketing and over the last 8 years I have moved from corporate, to eCommerce and then my last 9-5 office job was in a startup. I wasn't like others that quit a job and moved straight into another. Nope, every single time I quit in order to travel. I always saved up enough money to travel for a few months, then reality hit and I had to get a job to pay off the credit cards. Travel and wandering have always been high on my priority list and an important part of me having a balanced lifestyle.

How did you transition to a digital nomad lifestyle?

Even though I could work remotely occasionally at the startup I previously worked for, I was still craving more freedom and flexibility and hated the fact that I only had 15 days leave a year. So when I had to re-sign my contract I negotiated to be able to work remotely more often AND be able to work remotely from the UK & Europe for several months a year. After 7 negotiation meetings, I finally got this approved and without even realizing, negotiated my way into a part-time digital nomad lifestyle. After working in Europe and seeing that I could manage an entire team from millions of miles away, I started asking myself why everyone wasn't doing this? I fell in love with the lifestyle and in late 2018, I quit my 9-5 and launched Work Wanderers which enabled me to be a digital nomad full-time and travel with the company, and help others do the same.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to make a switch to a location independent lifestyle?


YES, and I wish I had this advice when I started. If you have online skills and you're not sure how to go remote full-time and start traveling the world, my best bit of advice is to identify how you can help people and what you can offer, and from there, build a product suite from low to high ticket services and get your first clients. If you have no savings, do this while you're still employed and if you do have a cushion, jump right in but remember to budget. Now, this is relevant for freelancers and online business owners. If you want to go the remote worker route, make sure you secure a well-paying job within a time zone that's feasible before you start jetsetting.

What are some of the top benefits to working remote in your opinion?

Honestly, I only see benefits. Like I said, I managed a team of 8 from across the world without a hitch so I can only promote this type of lifestyle. The obvious benefits are freedom to travel and having flexibility on your work hours.  When working remotely you definitely feel like you're living life on your own terms and that you're in control.

What is something you wished you had known BEFORE becoming a nomad?

I wish I'd known how to budget better when traveling, how to create passive income streams, how to diversify my product suite and how to connect with other nomads.

How did you get the idea to do digital nomad work retreats?


Well I truly believe sharing experiences makes travel even better so I wanted to build a company focused on community & the digital nomad lifestyle. I loved the coliving model but didn't want to build a business in one location as I also wanted to travel the world as a nomad. I then decided to build a company around helping digital nomads find community by running slow travel coworking retreats in various nomad hubs around the world and have been loving every minute!

Why do you think community is so important to digital nomads?

Travel is all about making memories and sharing that with other like-minded people makes the experience even more special. The digital nomad community is also really unique as it's made up of inspiring & motivated people from all over the world with the same mindset and set of values. The community becomes like your family away from home and the connections you make and things you learn along the way is invaluable.

What do you think makes a fantastic remote work destination?


Everyone will have their own preferences but my favorite remote destinations have the following in common: access to fast WIFI, budget-friendly, rich in culture, have delicious food, and have a relaxed vibe.

What are some of your favorite cities for digital nomads?

Ah, there are so many! My personal favorites are Cape Town (yes I'm biased but you will not be disappointed), Bali (of course) and Budapest (my ultimate fave).

What are some of your top tips for newbie digital nomads?

My top tips for newbie nomads are to identify your skill set and decide which path you will follow - be it becoming a freelancer, remote worker, or online entrepreneur. Each path is different for everyone so it's important to understand your value and where it can be best utilized so you can create a sustainable income to support your lifestyle. Also, don't forget to create a budget as well as create a travel plan. The last tip is to find a community, either by joining a coliving retreat, through Facebook group or attending nomad events.

Do you ever feel FOMO when on the road?  How do you deal with that?

Well I don't normally get FOMO as I am always part of the Wandering community on the retreats where everyone is a digital nomad and respects the fact that work needs to get done. Due to this we always make time for social activities in the evenings and do day trips on the weekend so I always feel like I'm living a balanced lifestyle. I also never stay in one place for less than 3 weeks which gives me ample time to explore the area and tick everything off my bucketlist.

What do you think the future of remote work looks like?  Do you think we will see more nomads post covid19?

100%! It was envisioned remote work would only become a true alternative to office life after 2025 but COVID-19 has propelled remote work to the forefront and many companies have been forced to move online and create systems that support their teams. Due to this, companies are now set up to function fully remotely and employers are realizing the cost and talent benefits to running remote teams. Remote work is currently the norm and I strongly believe it is going to take preference post-Covid 19 which I couldn't be more excited about as I really want others to have the opportunity to experience the joys of freedom and flexibility that we are already experiencing. Let's get ready for a digital nomad world - Woohoo!

YES! I’m so excited to see more and more nomads in the future and build out community even stronger! Thanks again for chatting with me Andrae!!! <3