13 ESSENTIAL Ways to Support the Travel Industry Right Now


We all know the travel industry is struggling right now due to the covid19 global pandemic. And while it’s sad for vacationers and travelers, there are even more dire consequences for airlines, hotels, local tour operators, retail shops, restaurants and other businesses tied to travel.

While big businesses will likely be able to survive and get thru this, many small business will not. So if you love travel and want to make sure the companies that provided you with life-changing experiences come out on the other end of this, consider the below list and how you can make a difference!
And I know you can’t spend all your money keeping travel businesses afloat (that wouldn’t be realistic!) But many of these suggestions are totally FREE ways to show your support. So there’s really no drawback to those - only positive effects for the brands you love.

And even in the case of the ones that do require your wallet, in many cases, this is money you were planning to spend anyways….you just need to think of it as pre-paying for a later date if you’re able to.

I know everyone’s situation is different, so that’s why I wanted to give you plenty of actionable options to choose from! :)

Now let’s get into it….

  1. Postpone travel instead of canceling - I know it’s tempting to just want to get your money back when you can’t go on vacation next month, but consider postponement instead. Not only does this give you something to look forward to when this is all over, but it also helps travel businesses not lose revenue and see a light at the end of the tunnel. Think about it this way - it’s money you were planning to spend anyways, you’ll just get the gratification a bit later. And when the time comes to finally take the trip, it will be a relief knowing it’s already paid for!

  2. Buy gift cards from travel businesses - If you’re able to, help the travel industry out by buying gift cards for future redemption. For example, if there’s a tour company you plan to use when you go to Europe this fall, consider reaching out and prepaying for some activities. Not only does this help the tour companies tremendously in this time when business is slow, it also helps spread out some of your own travel spending so it won’t all hit your credit card at once when you take the trip in the fall. (That is actually one of my favorite travel budgeting techniques….spread out the costs over time! So it doesn’t all come out of your bank account at once and you can budget over time.)

  3. Make purchases from local vendors instead of Amazon - I know it’s tempting to jump onto Amazon and quickly order the items you need during quarantine, but I urge you to resist that temptation and consider shopping local instead. Many retailers are really struggling without incoming foot traffic (Amazon on the other hand will be fine). Plus has anyone else noticed how SLOW even prime shipping is these days….Is there a local clothing store that is making face masks? (I ordered these ones from Onzie) Or perhaps you could order products from local artisans as gifts for friends - I recommend these ethically custom boots from Guatemala (check out Teysha) or beautiful feather hair extensions made by single mothers in Bali (check out PlumeAngel).

  4. Be a tourist in your own city (when it’s safe to do so) - I know most of us are under a rather strict lockdown at the moment, but when this is lifted — get out and explore your own city. The first “travel” that people do will be close to home (getting on an airplane is going to happen a bit slower), so make sure to show some love to your local establishments and travel industry. And don’t be afraid of doing something touristy within your own city! I once took the TMZ tour in LA actually had a really fun time….I laughed the ENTIRE time. Or plan a staycation with the girls and go participate in a mixology class or paint & wine night. Everyone is going to need to get out of the house once this is over, so think about what companies and activities may be struggling due to the lack of travelers at the moment and try to give them your business.

  5. Order delivery or takeout from local restaurants - With all the bars and restaurants currently closed for dine-in, revenue is severely limited in the food industry, which services locals & tourists alike. If you’re able to commit to ordering takeout / delivery a few times a week from your favorite local joints, this will help out immensely. I like to choose small mom & pop restaurants (non chains) - especially Asian restaurants that have been the target of racist remarks in light of the current pandemic. In most cases, this is money you would have spent on food if life was going about as normal — and doesn’t require any unusual spending. We use our cars so little these days, it can be kind of nice to get in the car and go for a drink to pickup (that was the highlight of my weekend this past week haha). Plus, an added bonus is that a lot of restaurants are also allowing delivery/pickup of cocktails as well….so you can enjoy a sweet beverage at home too…woohoo!

  6. Sign up for virtual classes and support brands that pivot - While we’re stuck inside, this is the perfect time to get creative with your time (and help yourself from going stir crazy) by signing up for virtual classes! There are a number of businesses that are offering virtual classes right now (some have always been virtual and others have pivoted from a different business model to suit the times). Not only does this support small businesses, but it also is a great way to connect with friends while social distancing. So maybe reach out to the Balinese dance instructor who you were going to take a class from and see if she’d be open to doing a virtual lesson or check out The Chef & The Dish - a company that teaches virtual international cooking classes….they even have an option where they will pair you with a chef from somewhere in the world and they will come up with a meal on the spot, using anything you happen to have in your kitchen, no prep required! If you see a travel company changing their business model and trying out virtual classes or tours, consider giving it a try if you can :)

  7. Engage with brands on social media - It may seem trivial, but engaging with travel brands on social during this time can really go a long way. So make sure you are #1 following the travel brands you love and then go thru their content and like, comment, and save it.  If you love a travel brand/company/influencer, don’t be afraid to share your experience or their profile too! In addition to helping the brand feel loved in this trying time, these small actions also help to build up their audience & engagement. This helps their content get seen by a broader audience; and secondarily, may help travel influencers attract potential brand partnerships.

  8. Leave travel brands positive reviews on TripAdvisor - You may have had previous travel companies already reach out to you about leaving them a review on TripAdvisor. This can really help them to spread awareness for their company and attract potential clients once the quarantine has lifted. Having a large volume of positive reviews helps the company rank higher on TripAdvisor and be seen by more potential customers, giving it a competitive advantage.

  9. Keep reading travel blogs and watching travel YouTube channels - Similarly to engaging on social media, by continuing to read travel blogs and watch YouTube channels, you are helping to keep their viewership high which can lead to potential brand and other partnerships. Try not to skip pre-roll ads if you’re able to too because that’s one of the ways that YouTubers earn revenue or if you’re going to make a purchase, use the travel bloggers’ link so they can earn affiliate revenue. Not only is this helpful to the creators, but it’s also a way for you to continue to dream about travel and satiate your wanderlust while you’re stuck at home.

  10. Buy travel creators products - Being in lockdown is the perfect opportunity to buckle down and learn a new skill. Why not make good use of your alone time to take that online photography course you’ve been dreaming, start a blog, or learn how to use TikTok. As a way of making a living, many travel influencers have created courses around a range of topics from social media growth, blogging, photography, video editing, and more. These courses are often great and affordable, and it’s nice learning from someone you love and trust! Tons of deals are going on currently as well….just keep an eye on your favorite creators feeds or check out some of my picks below!

  11. Continue planning for the future - Don’t stop thinking, dreaming, and planning for the future. Even though you can’t hop on a plane right now; knowing that potential customers are eager to travel as soon as the travel hiatus has lifted will help businesses plan for the future. Continue sharing travel stories and destinations you have loved with others - this will spark their curiosity and desires to one day travel too.

  12. Check in with the travel brands that have made an impact on you - Now is the time to show extra love to individuals and brands you care about. A nice note letting them know how much you love their writing or how meaningful their experience was to you can help brighten their day and give them a boost of of faith in this troubling time.

  13. Be kind to others, especially customer service reps! - The last one may sound obvious, but just a reminder to be kind with those you deal with. Remember how exhausting the airline customer service rep’s job must be right now….handling bad news and cancellations all day long. Be calm, understanding and the one person they don’t have to worry about that day.

Well I hope these suggestions were helpful and you take some of them to heart. And fingers crossed we’ll be flying again soon!!!

